Monday 22 October 2012

3D Modelling [WIP]

A little Work In Progress 3D modelling I've been doing in my spare time.

So far, It has been proving difficult. It is made out of more polygons than it should be. This could take up a lot of resources and cause computers with low RAM to crash.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Facebook Covers

I've made two Facebook covers in my own time. I used fonts that were free for personal use.

The effects used include Glowing, Drop Shadows and Pattern Overlays.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Semantics Pt.1



A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


Time is money.

The streets were a furnace, the sun an executioner.

Humor is the shock absorber of life.

Life is a journey.


A symbol is something that represents something else. It is used frequently in branding and marketing.


These represents items and places. These symbols would be found on walls in public buildings and on road signs.

These represent the planets in our solar system (and Pluto).

This symbol represents the number Pi, a number that is otherwise impossible to write down in full.

These symbols represent several religions.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

I made the buttons to use for my internet timeline.

I made the button using the Select tool and the Paint Bucket. I feathered the edges of the selection box to give the button its rounded edges.

To give the button its metal look edge, I added an Inner Bevel with a Hard Chisel edge to give it the pointed frame look.

To make the buttons look lit up, I used Inner and Outer Glow on the inner coloured square.

Wrote a small script for the buttons. 

on mouseEnter me
  cursor 280
  sprite(me.SpriteNum).member =

on mouseLeave me
  cursor 0
  sprite(me.SpriteNum).member =

This will cause the button to switch with a button that has a glow in the middle. This will make the button look like it is lighting up. 

Internet History Timeline WIP 

Made this background on photoshop. I used a range of tools and effects, such as Outer  Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Colour Overlay and Selection Warp. In each little circle there will be a button. The button will light up when the mouse hovers over it.